Carla Saiz Jimenez is a freelance programmer and organizer of WordCamp Madrid 2018. A young woman and an active member of the community of WordPress.

Unfortunately, Carla has been diagnosed with cancer. This will hold her away from her work, responsibilities, and duties.
She has to be fully concentrated on her therapy. Therefore, all communities of WordPress around the world team up in order to assist her and give her the opportunity if a recovery. That way she can come back healthy and full of life and energy.
And this is the time we show that the WordPress community is indeed a family. Carla could be our sister, daughter, mother, or dear friend. Let’s support her visiting the project-website made for this cause. For instance, donate a small amount, and spread the news around the globe.
Let’s show some love to amazing Carla, who is a fighter!
Good luck Carla! As we are all standing by you till you win the war, not only this fight!